Truckee Meadows Tomorrow is a grassroots non-profit organization committed to measuring critical quality of life data in our community for more than 35 years.
Our Mission:
To enhance our quality of life by providing accurate, timely, and objective data as the basis for community engagement and dialogue.
Our Vision:
TMT is the independent, trusted organization that gathers, manages, and shares quality of life data to inform and foster positive change in the community.
What We Do:
Measure our progress using the NevadaTomorrow.org Community Data Exchange Tool
Engage the community so that the data is shared and can be better understood
Educate the community on the indicators of quality of life
Advocate for action to positively impact the quality of life
In 1989, Truckee Meadows Tomorrow (TMT) was crafted by an Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada (EDAWN) committee in response to research showing the quality of life as a significant reason businesses relocated to the region. TMT started as an “organization of organizations” whose members helped spread the idea at the grassroots level that indicators could be of use to measure the region’s quality of life in relation to the impacts of growth. The original partnering organizations included Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Agency, EDAWN, Washoe Medical Center (now Renown Health), and the Washoe Education Association.
Now more than 35 years later, TMT is still the leading source of community quality of life data and conduit for meaningful conversation in northern Nevada. Our two latest offerings — the NevadaTomorrow.org Community Data Exchange Tool and the Community Conversation Speaker Series — are examples of our cutting-edge innovations designed to meet your needs.
For the past 35 years, Truckee Meadows Tomorrow has connected with the residents of our Truckee Meadows community to uncover what matters most to the people who live, work, and play here.
TMT has focused outreach efforts in many ways to better engage with the community. From creating Community Compacts and Quality of Life Reports to grand events such as Accentuate the Positive and our latest initiative — the Community Conversation Speaker Series — TMT has used community dialogue to inspire action for a better Nevada of tomorrow.
Data only tells one side of the story. Community engagement and action — using data to drive effective decision-making — is what transforms communities for the positive. That is what TMT does.
Truckee Meadows Tomorrow believes that data drives progress. Measuring what matters helps us affect social change, and that data is accessible to everyone. Our goal with this site is to create a website through which stakeholders in Northern Nevada, and the entire state, can better collaborate to address priority community quality of life issues. This site offers the whole community access to the critical data needed to affect social change for improved quality of life.
Truckee Meadows Tomorrow is a community-wide initiative that provides a dynamic, interactive information platform with easy-to-understand local quality of life data for all northern Nevadans.
This website plays a vital role in our community. We offer a trustworthy, independent, non-partisan, non-biased, grassroots, community-led, “one-stop-shop” site for stakeholders and the community to access critical data needed to prioritize, address, and advocate for quality of life issues.
The target audience for this site is our entire community — agencies, government, non-profit, private and public sector, citizens, corporations, etc.
TMT is a model for community change, but we can only do this important work with your financial support. By investing in TMT, these generous supporters improve where we all live, learn, work, enrich our lives, raise families, and care for others.
It’s our community—together, we can make it better.