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Friends mountain biking in th Nevada wilderness.
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Las comunidades saludables crean una economía saludable y familias autosuficientes. Sin embargo, cuando es difícil encontrar atención médica de calidad y la cobertura necesaria sigue siendo inasequible, afecta los resultados de salud y la salud y la economía general del individuo, la familia y la comunidad.

Los datos de salud revelan tendencias emergentes y áreas que necesitan nuevas políticas o sistemas para que los ciudadanos puedan vivir vidas más largas y saludables, aumentando la productividad y la prosperidad económica.

Para obtener más información sobre cada indicador, simplemente haga clic en el ícono, tabla, mapa o gráfico para ser dirigido alNevadaTomorrow.orgPortal de datos de la comunidad, donde verá mapas, tablas, gráficos, comparaciones año tras año y más.***

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The Truckee Meadows Tomorrow 2024-2026 Community Progress Report published on November 12, 2024! It includes all 10 Quality of Life areas with the most important data points selected by our Data Advisory Group and TMT team. You will find the same indicators and summaries in each online QOL area with links to


Print it out and take it with you for easy reading and reference.


The data used to assess Health & Wellness as a component of quality of life covers a range of health indicators, including disease prevalence, mortality rates, and healthcare access. It also considers factors like income, education, and housing that can impact health outcomes. On top of that, it includes behavioral data related to health habits, substance use, and mental health, as well as demographic breakdowns to highlight health disparities among different groups. Additionally, it looks at mortality rates for various causes and age groups and tracks trends over time.This data gives us a comprehensive look at health trends and outcomes in the region, showing both positive trends and areas that need attention and intervention. By analyzing this data, we can identify priorities, develop targeted interventions, and work toward improving community residents' overall quality of life and well-being.


More than 150 health and wellness-related indicators are available on These indicators address various themes and are measured by various factors, including the trend over time in Washoe County.

Poor Physical Health: Average Number Of Days Per Month
HLTH - Bite - Poor Physical Health.png
HLTH - Bite - See Doctor.png
Preventable Hospitalizations Per 100k Medicare Enrollees
HLTH - Bite - Preventable Stays.png
Number Of Years A Person Can Expect To Live
HLTH - Bite - Life Expentency.png
Babies Born Weighing Less Than 5lbs, 8oz 
HLTH - Bite - Low Birth Weight.png
Health Insurance Spending-To-Income Ratio
HLTH - Bite - Community Spend.png


La cobertura del seguro de salud se considera uno de los mejores indicadores de acceso a la atención médica. La atención médica para las personas sin seguro es una preocupación de toda la comunidad. De especial interés es el hecho de que existe una inequidad racial significativa en torno al acceso a la atención médica y las tasas de asegurados.


Los costos médicos en los Estados Unidos son extremadamente altos, por lo que es posible que las personas sin seguro médico no puedan pagar el tratamiento médico o los medicamentos recetados. También es menos probable que se hagan chequeos y exámenes de rutina, por lo que si se enferman, no buscarán tratamiento hasta que la afección esté más avanzada y, por lo tanto, sea más difícil y costoso de tratar. Muchas pequeñas empresas no pueden ofrecer seguro médico a los empleados debido al aumento de las primas de seguro médico.


El objetivo nacional de salud "Gente sana 2020" del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de EE. UU. es reducir la proporción de personas sin seguro médico al 0%.

Adults with Health Insurance
HLTH - adults insured.png
Adults Unable to Afford to See a Doctor
Children with Health Insurance
HLTH - children insured.png
Healthcare Providers by Type Per 100K People
HLTH - Providers.png


Non-physician primary care 

Primary care


Maternal and child health statistics show some encouraging trends, such as a decrease in the infant mortality rate from 6 to 4 per 1,000 live births, indicating improved infant health outcomes. The child mortality rate decreased from 55 to 47 per 100,000 population under 20, showing progress in child health. However, there was an increase in preterm births from 9% to 10%, and prenatal care in the first trimester decreased from 64% to 60%.

Percent of Women Receiving Prenatal Care
in the First Trimester
HLTH - Prenatal.png

Senior health indicators show a mix of trends. Some positive changes include increased rates of mammography screenings, flu vaccinations, and hyperlipidemia treatments. However, specific indicators have worsened, such as chronic kidney disease and cancer treatment rates, as well as the prevalence of seniors living alone. Data suggests stability in depression and heart failure treatment rates. Overall, the trends highlight a need for further analysis and targeted interventions to improve senior health outcomes in the region.


In Washoe County, Nevada, nearly a quarter of adults were classified as obese, which is lower than the Healthy People 2030 target of 36%. However, the following year saw over two-thirds of adults being classified as overweight or obese. Obesity is linked to various health conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, hypertension, stroke, liver and gallbladder disease, respiratory problems, and osteoarthritis.

Obesity Trends
HLTH - Obesity.png

The data shows both positive and negative trends in death and mortality rates in Washoe County. The leading causes of death in the region include heart diseases, cancer, accidents, and chronic lower respiratory diseases. The death rates for these leading causes in Washoe County are higher than state and national averages. When comparing the death rates in Washoe County to Healthy People 2030 targets, rates for various conditions are often higher than the targets. This highlights the need for interventions and improvements to reduce mortality rates in these specific areas.


Preventive care is crucial for promoting overall health by identifying and preventing health problems before they occur. Analyzing screening rates for cervical cancer, colon cancer, mammograms, cholesterol, and PSA levels can provide insights into preventive care. This information can help identify areas needing increased awareness, access, and education for better health outcomes.

 Mortality Rate For Common Cancer Types
HLTH - Cancer Mortality.png



The data shows positive trends in chronic health conditions, with lower incidence rates for various cancers and heart disease than national averages. There are also higher rates of diagnosed skin melanoma, suggesting increased awareness and early detection efforts. Additionally, stable or decreasing rates were observed for certain chronic conditions. The county has proactive medication adherence for high blood pressure and innovative strategies for chronic disease management. However, negative trends include increasing rates of asthma, diabetes, kidney disease, COPD, and certain cancers. 


The public health situation in Washoe County has both positive and negative trends. Positive indicators include decreases in self-care difficulties, certain health conditions, and stable or decreasing rates of specific diseases. However, negative trends include higher rates of infectious diseases like chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis C, syphilis, and HIV compared to state and national averages. There are also increasing rates of salmonellosis cases, and higher percentages of persons with disabilities and various difficulties compared to state and national averages.


According to the data on teen and adolescent health in Washoe County, there are some positive trends, such as an increase in middle school students getting nine or more hours of sleep and high school students consuming vegetables. However, there are also concerning trends, including a decrease in the percentage of high school students getting eight or more hours of sleep, consuming fruit, and engaging in physical activity. Additionally, there has been an increase in the percentage of students skipping breakfast, drinking soda or pop, and being obese or overweight.


​Innovando para mejorar la salud

Salud de renombreestá comprometida con la detección temprana de riesgos para la salud. losProyecto Nevada Saludable, uno de los estudios de salud de la población más grandes del mundo, combina datos genéticos, clínicos y ambientales para brindar información de salud personalizada a los nevadenses sin costo alguno.

El Proyecto Nevada Saludable tiene más de 55,000 participantes hasta la fecha. Capturar a los participantes con hallazgos tempranos es crucial para que el tratamiento pueda comenzar. El acceso a los participantes se ha ampliado a aquellos en el norte, sur y zonas rurales de Nevada.

El Proyecto Healthy Nevada integra la genómica en el plan de atención clínica de un paciente. Con esta información genética, Renown tendrá la capacidad de comprender mejor cómo los genes de una persona afectan la forma en que responde a un medicamento y ofrecer una receta específica más precisa para cada persona. La comunicación efectiva sobre la importancia de la evaluación genética para la comunidad ha sido un obstáculo.

La investigación de este programa ayuda a allanar el camino para las comunidades de todo el estado al utilizar los datos del proyecto para ayudar a los investigadores a avanzar en el conocimiento y la comprensión de las enfermedades genéticas.



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