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2022 Community Progress Report Launched!

Truckee Meadows Tomorrow and United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra are excited to announce their collaboration to bring you the 2022 Community Progress Report—the first report of its kind in more than 15 years.

“This Community Progress Report has been a labor of love for organization, as our

purpose is to democratize data and make sure accurate, timely and relevant data is in

the hands of everyone,” said Erica Mirich, President and CEO of TMT. “This data is so

important because an educated community is an empowered community.”

The report details data on ten categories that affect quality of life, including health, housing, education, and environment.

One goal of this report is to encourage fellow nonprofits, agencies, and community

leaders to use data to drive their future actions within Washoe County. Collaborators

believe the central hub of data makes for a unified foundation for decision making for

those in Washoe County making decisions on behalf of residents.

“The report looks at community wellbeing by focusing in ten areas and demonstrate the

changes and trends that have helped shape the northern Nevada community,”

commented Ashley Cabrera, director of marketing and engagement at UWNNS.

“Several of the areas shows improvement over time, reminding us that even the

smallest actions will generate a large impact.”

Check Out the New Digital Experience

A digital experience of the Community Progress Report is also available. The online version allows users to drill down deeper into data by geography, socioeconomics and indicators such as land use and infrastructure, civic and neighborhood engagement and housing and poverty. Using links to take you deeper and deeper into the data, you will be guided to the Community Data Portal - one of Truckee Meadows Tomorrow's main offerings.

View and Download the Printed Version

Sometimes you just want a printed copy of something to hold in your hands! If that is you, we have you covered! Simply click the links below to view and download a copy of the printed report or see below for how to get you own copy of the report.

Physical copies of the report are available upon request at the offices of United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra at 639 Isbell Rd, Suite 460 Reno, NV 89509. Please call ahead to ensure they have not run out before you make the trip! 775.322.8668

“Washoe County has faced myriad challenges over the past 15 years and wrapping our

arms around the data that represents our quality of life gives everyone – from

newsrooms reporting on life in the area to the elected officials understanding how to

positively impact constituents to the agencies tasked with addressing health and

behavioral issues – the same foundation from which to ensure we have the biggest

impact in our community,” added Mirich.


Quality of Life matters in Nevada is Truckee Meadows Tomorrow's Community Data Portal. It provides you with a free, dynamic, easy to use, one-stop digital resource for access to community quality of life data. Here you will find up-to-date demographic, education, environmental, economic, health, social determinant and equity data that highlights trends, challenges and opportunities in our Nevada communities; hundreds of maps, tables and figures and promising practices.

We encourage you to discover more about our Truckee Meadows community by checking out the site and diving into the data!


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© 2020 by Truckee Meadows Tomorrow. Proudly created by PIVOT Creative and Consulting. 

Truckee Meadows Tomorrow, PO BOX 20664 • Reno, NV 89515

All rights reserved. - Truckee Meadows Tomorrow is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(C)3 organization. EIN: 88-0290211 

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