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Encourage investment in Washoe County's Affordable Housing Trust Fund by Eric Brown

Eric Brown, Washoe County's relatively new County Manager released and OpEd in the Reno Gazette Journal yesterday encouraging our community to invest in affordable housing so that ALL Northern Nevadans can be ensured safe, stable and sustainable housing.

Read the article below or find directly at



NOTE: We hope you enjoyed the Community Conversation Speaker Series on Wednesday focusing on Poverty, Housing and Humanity. If you missed it, you can still view the conversation via Truckee Meadows Tomorrow's YouTube Channel at your convenience here.




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© 2020 by Truckee Meadows Tomorrow. Proudly created by PIVOT Creative and Consulting. 

Truckee Meadows Tomorrow, PO BOX 20664 • Reno, NV 89515

All rights reserved. - Truckee Meadows Tomorrow is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(C)3 organization. EIN: 88-0290211 

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