Nationally there is a trend in educators and school staff leaving this important profession. Is this the case for Washoe County School District and other districts in the Truckee Meadows Area? Join us as we learn more about the challenges and opportunities in education today.
As more trained professionals leave education across the country, communities are facing a growing crisis. Some communities are exploring 4-day school weeks to increase teacher retention, some are paying retired teachers to come back from retirement, and some simply having to eliminate classes and educational offerings for students. Join us as we learn more about this national crisis and to what extent we are seeing these issues locally. Discover what leaders are doing to proactively address issues and demonstrate how they value and support those caring for and leading our most important community asset: students.
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November 30 @ 12 NOON Lunchtime WatchParty on the Truckee Meadows Tomorrow YouTube Channel:
Visit for details.
Calen Evans, President of Washoe Education Association
Diane Nicolet, Vice President of the Board of Trustees for Washoe County School District
Jafeth Sanchez: Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and the Director of UNR’s Latino Research Center
Katy Weir: Human Resources Director of Professional Growth Systems for Washoe County School District
Emily Ellison: Chief Human Resources Officer for the Washoe County School District
Hosted and Moderated by Erica Mirich, Chief Executive Officer of Truckee Meadows Tomorrow

This speaker series is made possible by the generous support of Microsoft, Washoe County Health District, Washoe Education Association and Renown Health.

Get informed by checking out the Nevada Tomorrow Community Data Exchange. Learn about this free, dynamic, easy to use, one-stop digital resource for access to community quality of life data. There you will find up-to-date demographic, education, environmental, economic, health, social determinant and equity data that highlights trends, challenges and opportunities in our Nevada communities; hundreds of maps, tables and figures and promising practices.
We hope to see you there!
