Teaching in a post-pandemic school
Miy, May 31
|Reno Public Market
What is it like to educate students in the post pandemic reality here in Washoe County? Join us live at the Reno Public Market as we explore challenges and opportunities educational professionals are now experiencing. We'll also discuss how community members can support educators locally.

Time & Location
May 31, 2023, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM GMT-7
Reno Public Market, 299 E Plumb Ln, Reno, NV 89502, USA
About the Event
It has been just over 3 years since our world shut down due to Covid-19 and it is widely recognized that we have entered a post-pandemic reality. What unique changes are teachers and students in our community experiencing? Join us live at the Reno Public Market as we discuss current issues in the classrooms, student and teacher needs, supportive services and ways educators continue to navigate change. We'll also idenitfy specific action community members can take to support students, teachers and the education system in our region.
Dr. Susan Enfield, Superintendent for the Washoe County School District
Beth Smith, President, Washoe County School Board and District D Trustee
Joel Peixoto, Principal of G. L. Dilworth Middle School, Washoe County School District
Marrina Martin, Elementary Teacher Smithridge STEM Academy, Washoe County School District
Katherine Loudon, Administrator of School Counseling and Social Work, Washoe County School District
May 31st, Live at the Reno Public Market @ 4pm
RSVP appreciated but NOT required!
Hosted and Moderated by the Executive Director of Truckee Meadows Tomorrow
This speaker series is made possible by the generous support of Renown Health, Washoe County Health District, NV Energy, Microsoft and Truckee Meadows Regional Water Authority.
Get informed by checking out the Nevada Tomorrow Community Data Exchange. Learn about this free, dynamic, easy to use, one-stop digital resource for access to community quality of life data. There you will find up-to-date demographic, education, environmental, economic, health, social determinant and equity data that highlights trends, challenges and opportunities in our Nevada communities; hundreds of maps, tables and figures, and, promising practices.
We hope to see you there!